Opportunity Realisation Standards Opportunity Assurance Plan Opportunity Assurance Plan Opportunity Assurance Plan Opportunity Assurance Plan Opportunity Assurance Plan
Opportunity Mandate1 Opportunity Mandate1
Proposal to Commit to Project2 Group Investment Proposal3 Project Close-out Report4
Project Standards Project Premises Document (Identify) Project Premises Document (Assess) Project Premises Document (Select) Early Works Readiness Report Commissioning and Start-up Plan
Subsurface Description (Identify)5
Subsurface Description (Assess)5
Subsurface Description (Select)5
Early Development Assessment Feasibility Report Concept Select Report Sourcing Package(s) Construction Readiness Report
Basis for Design Basic Design and Engineering Package Approved for Construction Report
Field Development Plan
Production Promise (Select) Production Promise (Define) Statement of Fitness
Project Execution Strategy Project Execution Plan Contract Management Plan
DCAF Standards Project Controls and Assurance Plan (PCAP) Project Controls and Assurance Plan (PCAP) Project Controls and Assurance Plan (PCAP) Project Controls and Assurance Plan (PCAP) Project Controls and Assurance Plan (PCAP)
PCAP Close-out Statement PCAP Close-out Statement PCAP Close-out Statement PCAP Close-out Statement

There are 23 mandatory control points defined by the Project Standards, where the evidence of meeting the intent of control from PS 1 to 5 is recorded as a minimum, as listed in the DCAF control points table below.

All PMF Control Points are included in the PCAP and are Non-Scalable. The PCAP includes other Control Points as defined by the relevant Disciplines that are both Non-Scalable and Scalable Control Points. The Global Control Point list is considered during PCAP creation sessions and quality assured through the application of DCAF.

Opportunity and project teams can decide to evidence additional controls in other deliverables. However, these deliverables need to be included in the Project Control Assurance Plan (PCAP) as Control Points.

The control points are subject to assurance in accordance with the Discipline Controls and Assurance Framework (DCAF) Standard (Ref. 4). Further mandatory deliverables as defined by the Opportunity Realisation Standards and the DCAF standard are shown in the table.

The BOM, FEDM, PM and AM are accountable for complying with all mandatory requirements applicable to each accountable position in the Shell Performance Framework which are relevant for delivering capital projects.

A good practice in evidencing controls in control points; is to catalogue the controls at the start of the document with a clear reference to the section where it is evidenced.


  1. The Opportunity Mandate (OM) is required by ORS Requirement 10. ORS 2.0 uses the term ‘Opportunity Mandate’ to describe a new type of Opportunity Proposal preceding the PCP and GIP. The previous Opportunity Framing terminology is now renamed to ‘Opportunity Charter’. For detailed guidance on all the ORS Proposals and their associated Fact Sheets, go to the ORS Portal
  2. The Proposal to Commit to Project (PCP) is required by ORS Requirement 11.
  3. Group Investment Proposal (GIP) is required by ORS Requirement 12.
  4. The Project Close Out Report is considered best practice for Capital Projects as an input to the Look Back Review required by ORS Requirement 21.
  5. Applicable for projects with Subsurface scope.

The mandatory control points for Project Standards 1 to 5 are covered by the controls and the control descriptions for each standard. The table shows the controls from all Project Standards 1 to 5 mapped against 23 DCAF control points.

PMF controls evidenced in DCAF control points.

No. DCAF Control Point Phase ATA Controls (1)
1 Project Premises Document (Identify) Identify Exploration 2.I.1, 2.I.2, 2.I.3
2 Project Premises Document (Assess) Assess FED 2.A.1, 2.A.2, 2.A.3, 3.A.1
3 Project Premises Document (Select) Select FED 2.S.7.N, 1.S.2, 3.S.5
4 Integrated Subsurface Description (Identify) Identify Exploration 3.I.1, 3.I.2
5 Integrated Subsurface Description (Assess) Assess Geology 3.A.1.N
6 Integrated Subsurface Description (Select) Select Geology 3.S.1.N
7 Early Development Assessment Identify FED 3.I.3, 3.I.4, 2.I.4
8 Feasibility Report Assess FED 1.A.1, 1.A.1.N, 2.A.4, 2.A.5, 2.A.6, 3.A.2, 3.A.3, 3.A.4, 4.A.1, 4.A.2, 4.A.3, 5.A.1
9 Concept Select Report Select FED 1.S.3, 2.S.7, 2.S.8, 3.S.6, 3.S.7, 3.S.9, 3.S.10, 3.S.11
10 Field Development Plan Select FED 3.S.8 (2)
11 Basis for Design Select FED 1.S.4
12 Production Promise (Select) Select PO 5.S.3
13 Production Promise (Define) Define PO 5.D.4, 5.D.5
14 Project Execution Strategy Select PE 0.S.4, 4.S.4, 4.S.5, 4.S.6, 4.S.7, 4.S.8, 5.S.2
15 Basic Design and Engineering Package Define PE 1.D.5, 1.D.6, 3.D.12
16 Project Execution Plan Define PE 0.D.7, 1.D.7, 2.D.9, 4.D.9, 4.D.12, 4.D.13, 5.D.6, 5.D.7
17 Early Works Readiness Report Define PE 4.D.10
18 Sourcing Package(s) Define PE 4.D.11
19 Construction Readiness Report Execute PE 1.E.8, 4.E.15
20 Approved for Construction Report Execute PE 4.E.14
21 Commissioning and Start-up Plan Execute PO 4.E.16, 5.E.8
22 Contract Management Plan Execute PE 4.E.17
23 Statement of Fitness Execute PE 5.E.9


  1. PMF prescribes where controls need to be evidenced as a minimum.
  2. For projects in downstream and midstream gas only without subsurface and reservoir scope, control 3.S.8 is to be evidenced in the Concept Select Report.

Abbreviations for disciplines:

FED – Front End Development

PE - Project Engineering

PO - Production Operations