PS4 Deliver Efficient Execution
Deliver efficient execution means being capital efficient during Define and Execute. It introduces the Execute mind-set in the Assess phase and maintains it until completion of the project – starting early with the end in mind.
To achieve efficient execution Project Standard 4 focuses on four main themes. These are:
- delivery of an effective and aligned project organisation
- quality and efficiency of design and construction
- contracting and management of a competitive supply chain
- fully embedding cost and schedule and control that delivery is on track
No | Controls | ORP Phase | Accountability for meeting Control Intent |
Evidence recorded |
4.A.1 | Conditions of Current Asset Assessed | Assess | FEDM | Feasibility Report |
4.A.2 | Regulatory Framework Understood | Assess | FEDM | Feasibility Report |
4.A.3 | Requirements for Logistics and Infrastructure Assessed | Assess | FEDM | Feasibility Report |
4.S.4 | Right Sized Competent Team for Define | Select | PM | Project Execution Strategy |
4.S.5 | CP Strategy Aligned with Market Capability | Select | PM | Project Execution Strategy |
4.S.6 | Critical Interfaces Identified and Embedded | Select | PM | Project Execution Strategy |
4.S.7 | Integrated Quality Management to Achieve Flawless Project Delivery | Select | PM | Project Execution Strategy |
4.S.8 | Risked Level 2 Schedule and Type 2 Cost Estimate | Select | PM | Project Execution Strategy |
4.D.9 | Risk Based Verification Strategy Developed | Define | PM | Project Execution Plan |
4.D.10 | Readiness for Early Works Assured | Define | PM | Early Works Readiness Report |
4.D.11 | Sourcing Package Aligned with Project Scope and Risk Profile | Define | PM | Sourcing Package(s) |
4.D.12 | Robust Supplier Qualification Developed | Define | PM | Project Execution Plan |
4.D.13 | Risked Level 3 Schedule and Type 3 CAPEX Cost Estimate | Define | PM | Project Execution Plan |
4.E.14 | Engineering Ready for Construction | Execute | PM | Approved for Construction Report |
4.E.15 | Readiness for Construction Assured | Execute | PM | Construction Readiness Report |
4.E.16 | Area to System Completion Planned | Execute | PM | Commissioning and Start-up Plan |
4.E.17 | Post Award Contract Management Implemented | Execute | PM | Contract Management Plan |