Title Description


A poor understanding of the current, or future asset, conditions, such as site and existing facilities, system capabilities, organisation, governance, technical and non-technical interfaces and IT systems can lead to incorrect assumptions in scope definition, cost estimates and schedules. Likewise, if the Greenhouse Gas performance of the asset is not well understood the Greenhouse Gas performance of the project may be incorrectly calculated.


Assess the condition of the existing asset and site in order to determine the full scope of the opportunity. This includes assessment of the operations and maintenance philosophy, the boundary conditions, statement of requirements/fitness of existing asset, Greenhouse Gas performance and site visits.

Where no existing asset exists, ensure full appraisal of new asset requirements versus the infrastructure interfaces.


To ensure the identified scope covers all of the interfaces and integrity scope elements.

Requirements from other Standards


Evidence recorded in

Feasibility Report

Accountability for meeting Control Intent

Front End Development Manager

