Goal Zero aims to have an HSSE & SP performance that the project can be proud of and reflects Shell’s shared core values of honesty, integrity and respect for people.

Project teams pursue Goal Zero and Respect for People relentlessly, by driving process safety in their designs, keeping people and assets secure, lessening impacts on communities and the environment, taking care of people’s health and safety and, by engaging with neighbours and stakeholders to understand and respect their needs.

HSSE & SP is a key enabler for delivering business value and positively supporting Shell’s reputation.

No Controls ORP Phase Accountability for meeting Control Intent
Evidence recorded
1.A.1 Environmental, Social and Health Impacts Integrated into Feasibility Assess FEDM Feasibility Report
1.A.1.N HSSE & SP Risks known and Mitigated For Data Gathering Assess FEDM Feasibility Report
1.S.2 Project Leadership Aligned on Goal Zero Vision Select FEDM Project Premises Document
1.S.3 HSSE & SP Hazards and Risk Identified For Concept Selection Select FEDM Concept Select Report
1.S.4 HSSE & SP Risks for Selected Concept are ALARP Select FEDM Basis for Design
1.D.5 HSSE & SP Risk Management Integrated in Design Define PM Basic Design & Engineering Package
1.D.6 HSSE & SP Execution Risks Understood and Integrated in Project Delivery Define PM Basic Design & Engineering Package
1.D.7 Mitigation Measures for Environmental, Health and Social Impacts Integrated in Project Delivery Define PM Project Execution Plan
1.E.8 HSSE & SP Risks Understood and Managed Prior to Starting On-Site Activities Execute PM Construction Readiness Report