Project Management Framework

Integrated Project Management System (iPMS) is the web-based representation of the Project Management Framework (PMF).
An operating standard under the Opportunity Realisation Standard (ORS) P&T Business Management System (BMS) core process, the foundations of PMF are

  • Risk Based
  • Outcome Focussed
  • Intent Driven
  • At its core, 80 Controls in 26 Control Points over 6 Phases

The PMF provides clarity on why controls for risk mitigation are needed and what the desired outcome is. It empowers teams giving them freedom of action and ownership within clear boundaries. Opportunity and Project Leadership Teams will also benefit from clearer accountabilities and greater alignment around outcomes.

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Project Management Framework
Project Standards Expected Practices Library
Mandatory controls to manage risks to project outcomes. Fundamental processes that projects are expected to complete. Approved practices, procedures & templates for use in the specific context of individual projects.