Control Point Name Statement of Fitness
Owner Project Engineering
Definition/Context (“What”)

The Statement of Fitness is a requirement of the Asset Integrity - Process Safety Management Application Manual (AIPSM Requirement 7).

The SoF for the applicable systems needs to be signed prior to introduction of hazardous substances or energy with RAM (Risk Assessment Matrix) red risks or yellow 5A or 5B risks.

  • Process safety risks have been identified and documented (Design ALARP Demonstration Report & Operations HSE Cases) and are managed to ALARP.
  • Employees or contractors executing HSSE Critical Activities are competent and fit to work
  • HSSE Critical Equipment meets its Technical Integrity requirements.
  • Design and construction of the new Assets meet the design and engineering requirements.
  • Process Safety Basic Requirements are met.
  • Procedures are in place to operate HSSE Critical Equipment within its Operational Limits. The Asset Register, Safety Critical Equipment (SCEs), SCE related Performance Standards (PSs) acceptance criteria and Maintenance/Inspection Routines are identified and loaded into the Maintenance Management System (MMS) before Start-up.
As a minimum the SoF should address the Project Standard Control:
Purpose/Intent (“Why”) The purpose of the SoF is to uniformly and consistently ensure that key Asset Integrity Process Safety activities and deliverables have been completed and verified by competent persons ensuring that hydrocarbons can be safely introduced and effectively managed with an acceptable level of risk (ALARP).
Standards Project Standards, AIPSM Requirement 7
Phase(s) Execute
Accountable for delivery Project Manager
Guidance Guidance for Statement of Fitness