Control Point Name Construction Readiness Report
Owner Project Engineering
Definition/Context (“What”)

The Construction Readiness Report (CRR) is the output of the construction readiness review which verifies that the contractor and subcontractors have met the agreed requirements in order to start construction. These requirements include the areas of Project Management, HSSE, Regulatory, Engineering and Procurement, Contracts, and Logistics. It also incorporates evidence that the site controls, staff and resources to support the start of safe and effective site activities are in place.

As a minimum the CRR shall cover the following Project Standard Controls:

Purpose/Intent (“Why”) The purpose of the Construction Readiness Report is to demonstrate that the project is ready to safely start construction activities in order to deliver the agreed HSSE & SP, construction and commissioning performance targets.
Standards Project Standards
Phase(s) Execute
Accountable for delivery Project Manager
Guidance Construction Readiness Report