Title Description
Context Over-optimism and inadequate consideration of the possible subsurface scenarios results in poor quantification of the subsurface uncertainties leading to a narrow and inaccurate range of in place and recoverable volumes. This skews Shell’s value analysis, resulting in poor decision quality and ultimately loss of value.
Activity Describe the range of geological subsurface scenarios with appropriately wide input ranges such that volume estimates include a realistic low side technical assessment. Include relevant analogue and benchmark data. Describe the subsurface risks appropriately and dispassionately to remove optimism / recency bias. Describe the Low, Mid, & High volumetric cases as discrete subsurface realizations.
Purpose To ensure multiple possible subsurface geological scenarios / realizations and their volume outcomes are considered as input to the concept identification and concept selection.
Requirements from other Standards None
Evidence recorded in Integrated Subsurface Description
Accountability for meeting Control Intent Subsurface Project Lead