Title Description


When Project to Asset (P2A) Handover criteria are not defined early enough, the handover process can delay start-up or lead to unsafe situations.

This control is needed to ensure that handover criteria are agreed early in Define in line with the agreed CSU & Asset Readiness strategies. This ensures that all information, systems, hardware, and organization are available in the correct sequence and to the agreed quality.


Agree the total P2A scope, associated handover milestones & high-level acceptance requirements (including the level of Asset readiness) for the phased facility handover and acceptance with the Asset Manager. Include the agreed deliverables and activities in P2A plan, asset readiness and contract documents, budget and project schedule for Execute.


To manage the transition risk by ensuring that throughout Execute the agreed information, systems, people and hardware are available for handover at the right time and quality to support timely completion of asset owner readiness activities and enable commissioning, start-up and production attainment in line with the Production Promise.

Requirements from other Standards


Evidence recorded in

Project Execution Plan

Accountability for meeting Control Intent

Project Manager

