Control 2.I.3 Opportunity Roadmap Developed across TECOP Dimensions
Title | Description |
Context | This control is needed to ensure that appropriate inputs are developed to ensure a robust opportunity roadmap. The roadmap needs to address both technical and non-technical risks and uncertainties across the Technical, Economic, Commercial, Organisational and Political (TECOP) range. Decisions that may impact the end-to-end development need to be based on an understanding of the business objectives and value drivers, as well as the technical and non-technical uncertainties and risks. Typically opportunity teams focus on technical uncertainties and risks, and other technical dimensions, when supporting the development of the opportunity roadmap. Projects can fail to deliver the business case value when non-technical uncertainties and risks are not recognised as being important for the opportunity decision making process. |
Activity | Ensure that the decision-based opportunity roadmap provides clarity across the TECOP dimensions on the high-level decision-making needs, their interdependencies and the sequence required to mature the opportunity to the next Decision Gates. Ensure that the opportunity roadmap clearly indicates which decisions need to be taken at Decision Review Board (DRB) meetings. |
Purpose | To ensure that the work undertaken is what is needed to deliver quality decisions, that unnecessary work is not performed, and that decisions are made in a wider TECOP context. |
Requirements from other Standards | None |
Evidence recorded in | Project Premises Document |
Accountability for meeting Control Intent | BOM |
Phase | IDENTIFY |