Title Description
Context Opportunities must be framed shortly after inception. The full business case value may not be met when the business and technical functions are misaligned on the opportunity frame. Commercial, Exploration & other technical teams need to be aligned with the frame and how value will be generated by the opportunity with the required Greenhouse Gas performance.
This control is needed to ensure that the opportunity framing creates alignment and clarity between the Decision Executive (DE), opportunity leadership and team on the business context, resulting in a solution that meets the business needs.
Activity Create an opportunity frame that is understood and accepted by the entire opportunity/project team in order to confirm alignment and clarity on (i) the Opportunity statement or the purpose and scope of the opportunity, (ii) the value drivers and targets including how value will be created while meeting the necessary Greenhouse Gas performance and Respecting Nature commitments. (iii) Givens and Assumptions, (iv) Decision hierarchy, (v) High level roadmap, (vi) Risks and uncertainties, (vii) Stakeholder mapping, (viii) Short term action plans.
Purpose Clarity and alignment on the opportunity frame helps the team to develop solutions and support quality decision making based on feasibility and selection criteria that are in line with the business needs and value drivers including Greenhouse Gas.
Requirements from other Standards All opportunities in any Opportunity Realisation Process (ORP) phase must go through opportunity framing at the start of each phase.
Evidence recorded in Project Premises Document 
Accountability for meeting Control Intent BOM