Title Description
Context The Opportunity Assurance Plan (OAP) captures the output from the Opportunity Assurance Planning session and sets out assurance reviews based on risk classification and investment headline size (Shell share). The OAP spans the project ORP lifecycle and, shall be updated at the start of every phase with detail for that phase, which is then subject to change control.
Activity Prepare or update the Opportunity Assurance Plan (OAP) (1) at the start of each ORP phase. The BOM is accountable for completing the assurance activities as defined in the OAP to support quality decision making.
Purpose To improve the quality of the upcoming decisions by increasing the level of confidence on the assured scope by utilizing an independent, credible review party.
This ensures that significant risks are adequately addressed in compliance with relevant Group Standards.
Requirements from other Standards Opportunity Realisation Standards
Evidence recorded in Opportunity Assurance Plan (2)
Accountability for meeting Control Intent Business Opportunity Manager

(1) The OAP is to be approved by the project DE and, for projects with an anticipated headline size exceeding US$ 100 million Shell share endorsed by Opportunity Value Assurance (for >US$ 500 million by VP OVA, otherwise the relevant GM OVA).

(2) This deliverable is not a DCAF Control Point.